Grow in Kindness Package
WHAT IT IS: Our "Grow in Kindness" Package offers 12 counselling sessions with a therapist on our team for the reduced rate of $25.00 per session. This package is a good option for those who don't have financial means or private benefit coverage to pay for therapy services.
WHY: We believe access to counselling should be
affordable and accessible,
We also believe that these options shouldn't only come after jumping through paperwork hoops, sitting on waitlists, or without having any say in the type of therapy you have,
or the therapist you see.
That is where our "Grow In Kindness" Counselling Packages come in. These packages offer our same services but at a reduced rate- $25 a session for up to 12 sessions total. No fancy application to demonstrate need, or requirement to disclose personal, intrustive details.
HOW? We have grown our practice alongside our Social Enterprise Bakeshop & Studio- Wildflour Fields.
Wildflour Fields is a not-for-profit retail space that offers baked goods, florals, mental health resources and self-care items. The store also runs baking classes and events.
All profits from the shop go into the Grow In Kindess Fund with the purpose of supplementing counselling costs for clients who choose the package.
SIGN ME UP- WHAT'S NEXT? If you are interested in our "Grow in Kindness" Package please email courtney@fieldsandflourtherapy.ca to see if there are packages currently available.